Oeste Bravio
After the Republican Convention...
War is great because it just
goes on and on, they’re never gonna learn! And I blame the soldiers, a lot of
people blame the politicians. I blame the soldiers who just keep showing up.
These assholes since the Turks, the Greeks, everybody. Testosterone: not smart!
No wonder they say, ‘You want an education? Come [to the military].’ They NEED
an education… …I just think, if [soldiers] never showed up [for war], what
would the statesmen and politicians do? They’d have to just have fist-fights!
…I’m suggesting there’s an alternative, although it’s probably not doable, it’s
a macro idea… The idea is: Fuck these people. Don’t go. Nobody goes! If nobody
goes, they’re gonna kill them all? They’re gonna have trials for everyone? I’m
just living in a different kind of world, I don’t subscribe. I don’t buy into
all the premises that go into this system. I have pulled myself away about ten
years ago, I finally decided: Fuck these people, these humans, let them do
their thing, I’ll watch. I have no stake in the outcome anymore. I don’t care
what happens to you. I don’t care what happens to your country, I don’t care
what happens to your species. You can all get fucked. Because it’s fun to watch
you destroy each other. It’s entertaining.
George Carlin, 1997